Governance and Africa Diplomacy Programme

The primary goal of this component of center’s work is to coordinate a research, training and advocacy programme in governance, regional security, conflict prevention and peacebuilding as a means of enhancing human security and human development. The programme works to promote transparency, accountability and integrity in the exercise of administrative and political discretion, and in the allocation and use of public resources, by carrying out research on governance institutions and improving access to information and data relating to matters of public interest.

Free and fair elections are a key feature of democratic governance. The Center monitors, analyzes and documents the progress on democratic development in the region. This include studying the pre-election scenario and recommending appropriate actions, gathering field reports, producing election reports and conducting national post-election surveys across the region.

The Center works closely with members of Parliament, the judiciary and other government officials in pursuit of its mission to promote democracy and good governance in the region. The programme focuses on increasing access to balanced information, promoting good governance, providing conflict resolution expertise in areas vulnerable to violence, and supporting people-to-people peace processes.

It does this by facilitating cooperative community-based activities and by providing skills to emerging civil society leaders, women, journalists, and youth who show leadership potential. The Center also works to bring these diverse groups together, with the goal of helping them recognize commonalities and develop effective relationships